Tuesday 24 April 2012

Chris Pearson wants to settle an argument?


Can you settle a long running argument please?

Does the video referee actually watch the game and know the score, or
is he locked away and only have access to the footage/incident, as and when the
need for a decision comes up?
Chris Pearson

Hi Chris

Thanks for the question. 

The video ref, or Television Match Official (TMO), to give him his full title, sits in one of the broadcasters OB trucks, somewhere outside the stadium, usually in a car park.  From there he would watch the match as a television feed, which would allow him to become familiar with the different cameras and where they are situated.  This allows him to ask the technicians for specific camera shots when required to adjudicate, by the referee on the pitch.

So the answer to your question is "no", he is not locked away in a darkened room, waiting to be "let out"!

The Rugby Ref.

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