Sport - a time and motion study by Watches2U.
The trials and tribulations of a rugby referee. (Law references may only be accurate at time of posting, please check current law book)
Would it be possible to tell me if these studs are legal to play rugby in?
Many thanks in advance
Joe Davey
If I award a penalty try must I always 'sin bin' the offender?
Jim Hawkins
A penalty try must be awarded if the offence prevents a try that would probably otherwisehave been scored. A player who prevents a try being scored through foul play must either becautioned and temporarily suspended or sent off.This would suggest that a Penalty Try must also be accompanied by a Yellow or Red card. However the IRFU asked for a ruling on this very question back in 2004. The response from World Rugby is still active.
Ruling in Law by the Designated Members of the Rugby Committee
Law 10.2(a) is Unfair Play relating to Intentional Offending.
The two paragraphs in Law 10.2(a) must be read in conjunction, having due regard to the heading 'Intentionally Offending'.
Therefore, if a penalty try is awarded as the result of a player intentionally offending, then the player must be either be cautioned and temporarily suspended or sent off.
Examples of this would be after penalty tries resulting from:
- a collapsed scrum
- a collapsed maul
- a defending player intentionally offside
- a defending player intentionally knocking down the ball.
If a penalty try is awarded as the result of a player unintentionally offending, the player, as well as being liable to cautioning and temporary suspension or send off, can be admonished by the referee.
Examples of this may be after penalty tries resulting from:
- mistimed tackle (early or late, but not dangerous)
- unintentional reactionary high tackle, but not dangerous.
I have had a debate with a guy at my local club about a tackled player in the air. If it is clear one player has tackled a ball carrier in the air but it is not dangerous but poor timing is it just a penalty kick or a yellow card, my view is a PK?
Thanks for the help?
10.5 SANCTIONS(a) Any player who infringes any part of the Foul Play Law must be admonished, or cautioned and temporarily suspended for a period of ten minutes’ playing time, or sent-off.So if the referee decides foul play has been committed it could be just a telling off with a Penalty Kick, a Yellow card, or even a Red card. World Rugby do however issue guidance to referees from time to time on various areas of the law, and this is one area that was covered recently.
At a meeting in April 2015, the Laws Representation Group (LRG) considered the areas of the Game where, it had been agreed that Law amendments were not required but that current Law was to be enforced by match officials including:
Challenging players in the air - Law 10.4(i)
The options given were:
There are videos to illustrate the above available here: World Rugby Enforcement of Current Law
- Play on – Fair challenge with both players in a realistic position to catch the ball. Even if the player(s) land(s) dangerously, play on
- Penalty only – Fair challenge with wrong timing - No pulling down
- Yellow card – Not a fair challenge, there is no contest and the player is pulled down landing on his back or side
- Red card – Not a fair challenge, there is no contest and the player lands on his head, neck or shoulder